extern char patterns, patterns_end;
extern char palette, palette_end;
extern char map, map_end;
int main(void) {
bgInitTileSetLz(0, &patterns, &palette, 0, (&palette_end - &palette), BG_16COLORS, 0x4000);
while(1) {
return 0;
void bgInitTileSetLz(u8 bgNumber, u8 *tileSource, u8 *tilePalette, u8 paletteEntry, u16 paletteSize, u16 colorMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Tile Set and Loads the Tile GFX compressed with LZ algo into VRAM.
void bgSetDisable(u8 bgNumber)
Disable a BG in the actual SNES mode.
void bgInitMapSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *mapSource, u16 mapSize, u8 sizeMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Map Set and loads it into SNES VRAM.
void WaitForVBlank(void)
Waits for a VBlank interrupt.
the master include file for snes applications.
void setScreenOn(void)
Put screen On.
void setMode(u8 mode, u8 size)
Set the SNES hardware to operate in new display mode.