PVSnesLib  4.3.0
Documentation to code in C or ASM for the Nintendo SNES
No Matches
Object size demo
#include <snes.h>
extern char snesfont, snespal;
extern char sprite8, sprite8_end, palsprite8, palsprite8_end;
extern char sprite16, sprite16_end, palsprite16, palsprite16_end;
extern char sprite32, sprite32_end, palsprite32, palsprite32_end;
extern char sprite64, sprite64_end, palsprite64, palsprite64_end;
u16 selectedItem;
bool keyPressed;
unsigned short pad0;
#define ADRBG1 0x2000
#define ADRSPRITE 0x2100
#define ADRSPRITLARDGE 0x2500 // arbitrary to have enough space but small & large one
#define PALETTESPRSIZE (16 * 2) // We are using words for palette entry
// Put menu for each sprite size test
void draw()
consoleDrawText(3, 2, "Object size :");
consoleDrawText(3, 3, "%s %s", selectedItem == 0 ? ">" : " ", "Small: 8 - Large: 16");
consoleDrawText(3, 4, "%s %s", selectedItem == 1 ? ">" : " ", "Small: 8 - Large: 32");
consoleDrawText(3, 5, "%s %s", selectedItem == 2 ? ">" : " ", "Small: 8 - Large: 64");
consoleDrawText(3, 6, "%s %s", selectedItem == 3 ? ">" : " ", "Small: 16 - Large: 32");
consoleDrawText(3, 7, "%s %s", selectedItem == 4 ? ">" : " ", "Small: 16 - Large: 64");
consoleDrawText(3, 8, "%s %s", selectedItem == 5 ? ">" : " ", "Small: 32 - Large: 64");
// Load current sprites regarding size for small & large one
void changeObjSize()
// Force wait VBlank to avoid black frame
// check regarding the current selection
if (selectedItem == 0)
// load small sprite with 16 colors palette
oamInitGfxSet(&sprite8, (&sprite8_end - &sprite8), &palsprite8, PALETTESPRSIZE, 0, ADRSPRITE, OBJ_SIZE8_L16);
// load large sprite with palette
dmaCopyVram(&sprite16, ADRSPRITLARDGE, (&sprite16_end - &sprite16));
dmaCopyCGram(&palsprite16, (128 + 1 * 16), PALETTESPRSIZE);
else if (selectedItem == 1)
// load small sprite
oamInitGfxSet(&sprite8, (&sprite8_end - &sprite8), &palsprite8, PALETTESPRSIZE, 0, ADRSPRITE, OBJ_SIZE8_L32);
// load large sprite with palette
dmaCopyVram(&sprite32, ADRSPRITLARDGE, (&sprite32_end - &sprite32));
dmaCopyCGram(&palsprite32, (128 + 1 * 16), PALETTESPRSIZE);
else if (selectedItem == 2)
oamInitGfxSet(&sprite8, (&sprite8_end - &sprite8), &palsprite8, PALETTESPRSIZE, 0, ADRSPRITE, OBJ_SIZE8_L64);
dmaCopyVram(&sprite64, ADRSPRITLARDGE, (&sprite64_end - &sprite64));
dmaCopyCGram(&palsprite64, (128 + 1 * 16), PALETTESPRSIZE);
else if (selectedItem == 3)
oamInitGfxSet(&sprite16, (&sprite16_end - &sprite16), &palsprite16, PALETTESPRSIZE, 0, ADRSPRITE, OBJ_SIZE16_L32);
dmaCopyVram(&sprite32, ADRSPRITLARDGE, (&sprite32_end - &sprite32));
dmaCopyCGram(&palsprite32, (128 + 1 * 16), PALETTESPRSIZE);
else if (selectedItem == 4)
oamInitGfxSet(&sprite16, (&sprite16_end - &sprite16), &palsprite16, PALETTESPRSIZE, 0, ADRSPRITE, OBJ_SIZE16_L64);
dmaCopyVram(&sprite64, ADRSPRITLARDGE, (&sprite64_end - &sprite64));
dmaCopyCGram(&palsprite64, (128 + 1 * 16), PALETTESPRSIZE);
else if (selectedItem == 5)
oamInitGfxSet(&sprite32, (&sprite32_end - &sprite32), &palsprite32, PALETTESPRSIZE, 0, ADRSPRITE, OBJ_SIZE32_L64);
dmaCopyVram(&sprite64, ADRSPRITLARDGE, (&sprite64_end - &sprite64));
dmaCopyCGram(&palsprite64, (128 + 1 * 16), PALETTESPRSIZE);
// because we load graphics at 0x2100, offset is 0x10 (0x2100-0x2000)/16
oamSet(0, 70, 120, 3, 0, 0, 0x0010, 0);
// because we load graphics at 0x2500, offset is 0x50 (0x2500-0x2000)/16
oamSet(4, 170, 120, 3, 0, 0, 0x0050, 1);
int main(void)
// Initialize text console with our font
consoleInitText(0, 16 * 2, &snesfont, &snespal);
// Init background
bgSetGfxPtr(0, ADRBG1);
bgSetMapPtr(0, 0x6803, SC_32x32);
// Now Put in 16 color mode and disable all backgrounds
setMode(BG_MODE1, 0);
selectedItem = 0;
keyPressed = false;
while (1)
pad0 = padsCurrent(0);
if (pad0)
if (pad0 & KEY_UP)
if (selectedItem > 0 && !keyPressed)
keyPressed = true;
if (pad0 & KEY_DOWN)
if (selectedItem < 5 && !keyPressed)
keyPressed = true;
keyPressed = false;
return 0;
void bgSetGfxPtr(u8 bgNumber, u16 address)
Definition of each background address.
void bgSetDisable(u8 bgNumber)
Disable a BG in the actual SNES mode.
void bgSetMapPtr(u8 bgNumber, u16 address, u8 mapSize)
Change Background Map address.
void consoleSetTextVramAdr(u16 vramfont)
Change text graphics address (4K aligned)
void consoleInitText(u8 palnum, u8 palsize, u8 *tilfont, u8 *palfont)
Initialize the Text System.
void consoleDrawText(u16 x, u16 y, char *fmt,...)
Output formatted string on a screen (tiles mode)
void consoleSetTextOffset(u16 offsetfont)
Change text Background map address for display (must be BG address)
void consoleSetTextVramBGAdr(u16 offsetfont)
Change text Background map address for display (must be BG address)
void dmaCopyVram(u8 *source, u16 address, u16 size)
copy data from source to destination using channel 0 of DMA available channels in half words
void dmaCopyCGram(u8 *source, u16 address, u16 size)
copy data from source to destination using channel 0 of DMA available channels in half words
#define padsCurrent(value)
Return current value of selected pad.
Definition input.h:198
pad UP button.
Definition input.h:58
pad DOWN button.
Definition input.h:57
void WaitForVBlank(void)
Waits for a VBlank interrupt.
the master include file for snes applications.
#define OBJ_SIZE16_L32
default OAM size 16x16 (SM) and 32x32 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:42
#define OBJ_SIZE8_L64
default OAM size 8x8 (SM) and 64x64 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:41
void oamSetEx(u16 id, u8 size, u8 hide)
Put the correct size and hide or show a sprite.
#define OBJ_SIZE32_L64
default OAM size 32x32 (SM) and 64x64 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:44
void oamInitGfxSet(u8 *tileSource, u16 tileSize, u8 *tilePalette, u16 paletteSize, u8 tilePaletteNumber, u16 address, u8 oamsize)
Initializes a sprites Gfx and Loads the GFX into VRAM.
#define OBJ_SIZE8_L32
default OAM size 8x8 (SM) and 32x32 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:40
#define OBJ_SIZE8_L16
default OAM size 8x8 (SM) and 16x16 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:39
void oamSet(u16 id, u16 xspr, u16 yspr, u8 priority, u8 hflip, u8 vflip, u16 gfxoffset, u8 paletteoffset)
sets an oam entry to the supplied values
#define OBJ_SIZE16_L64
default OAM size 16x16 (SM) and 64x64 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:43
void setScreenOn(void)
Put screen On.
void setMode(u8 mode, u8 size)
Set the SNES hardware to operate in new display mode.