PVSnesLib  4.4.0
Documentation to code in C or ASM for the Nintendo SNES
No Matches
Simple tile mode 0 demo
-- alekmaul
#include <snes.h>
extern unsigned char bgm0, bgm0_end, p0, p0_end, t0, t0_end;
extern unsigned char bgm1, bgm1_end, p1, p1_end, t1, t1_end;
extern unsigned char bgm2, bgm2_end, p2, p2_end, t2, t2_end;
extern unsigned char bgm3, bgm3_end, p3, p3_end, t3, t3_end;
short sxbg1 = 0, sxbg2 = 0, sxbg3 = 0, flip = 0;
int main(void)
// Copy tiles to VRAM, begin with adr=0x2000 for first BG
// ALso, always use specific mode0 palette entry (ppp)
// BG1 w/bits ppp=0 is entries 0-3
// BG1 w/bits ppp=1 is entries 4-7
// BG1 w/bits ppp=2 is entries 8-11
// BG1 w/bits ppp=3 is entries 12-15
// BG1 w/bits ppp=4 is entries 16-19
// BG1 w/bits ppp=5 is entries 20-23
// BG1 w/bits ppp=6 is entries 24-27
// BG1 w/bits ppp=7 is entries 28-31
// and then for BG2 ppp resets to 0 and resumes at 32...
// BG2 w/bits ppp=0 is entries 32-35
// BG2 w/bits ppp=1 is entries 36-39
// BG2 w/bits ppp=2 is entries 40-43
// etc etc
bgInitTileSet(0, &t0, &p0, 0, (&t0_end - &t0), 8, BG_4COLORS0, 0x2000);
bgInitTileSet(1, &t1, &p1, 0, (&t1_end - &t1), 8, BG_4COLORS0, 0x3000);
bgInitTileSet(2, &t2, &p2, 0, (&t2_end - &t2), 8, BG_4COLORS0, 0x4000);
bgInitTileSet(3, &t3, &p3, 0, (&t3_end - &t3), 16, BG_4COLORS0, 0x5000);
// Copy Map to VRAM
bgInitMapSet(0, &bgm0, (&bgm0_end-&bgm0), SC_32x32, 0x0000);
bgInitMapSet(1, &bgm1, (&bgm1_end-&bgm1), SC_32x32, 0x0400);
bgInitMapSet(2, &bgm2, (&bgm2_end-&bgm2), SC_32x32, 0x0800);
bgInitMapSet(3, &bgm3, (&bgm3_end-&bgm3), SC_32x32, 0x0C00);
// Now Put in 16 color mode and disable other BGs except 1st one
setMode(BG_MODE0, 0);
// Wait for nothing :P
while (1)
// Shcnage scrolling only each 3 frames
if (flip == 3)
flip = 0;
sxbg2 += 2;
sxbg1 += 3;
bgSetScroll(1, sxbg1, 0);
bgSetScroll(2, sxbg2, 0);
bgSetScroll(3, sxbg3, 0);
return 0;
void bgSetScroll(u8 bgNumber, u16 x, u16 y)
Sets the scroll hardware to the specified location.
void bgInitMapSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *mapSource, u16 mapSize, u8 sizeMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Map Set and loads it into SNES VRAM.
void bgInitTileSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *tileSource, u8 *tilePalette, u8 paletteEntry, u16 tileSize, u16 paletteSize, u16 colorMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Tile Set and Loads the Tile GFX into VRAM.
void WaitForVBlank(void)
Waits for a VBlank interrupt.
the master include file for snes applications.
void setScreenOn(void)
Put screen On.
void setMode(u8 mode, u8 size)
Set the SNES hardware to operate in new display mode.