PVSnesLib  4.4.0
Documentation to code in C or ASM for the Nintendo SNES
No Matches
Simple scoring demo
-- alekmaul
#include <snes.h>
extern char snesfont, snespal;
scoMemory scoretst, scoretst1;
char sz[128];
int main(void)
// Initialize text console with our font
consoleInitText(0, 16 * 2, &snesfont, &snespal);
// Init background
bgSetGfxPtr(0, 0x2000);
bgSetMapPtr(0, 0x6800, SC_32x32);
// Clear the score
scoretst.scohi = 18;
scoretst.scolo = 900;
sprintf(sz, "score hi %04x score lo %04x", (u16)scoretst.scohi, (u16)scoretst.scolo);
consoleDrawText(2, 8, sz);
// Add a value
scoreAdd(&scoretst, 0x4DB);
sprintf(sz, "score hi %04x score lo %04x", (u16)scoretst.scohi, (u16)scoretst.scolo);
consoleDrawText(2, 9, sz);
// Add more than 10000
scoreAdd(&scoretst, 0x2710);
sprintf(sz, "score hi %04x score lo %04x", (u16)scoretst.scohi, (u16)scoretst.scolo);
consoleDrawText(2, 10, sz);
// Compare two scores
scoretst.scohi = 18;
scoretst.scolo = 900;
scoretst1.scohi = 17;
scoretst1.scolo = 900;
if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == 0)
consoleDrawText(2, 12, "1 scores equals");
else if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == 0xFF)
consoleDrawText(2, 12, "1 scoretst higher");
else if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == 1)
consoleDrawText(2, 12, "1 scoretst lower");
scoretst1.scohi = 18;
scoretst1.scolo = 901;
if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == 0)
consoleDrawText(2, 13, "2 scores equals");
else if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == -1)
consoleDrawText(2, 13, "2 scoretst higher");
else if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == 1)
consoleDrawText(2, 13, "2 scoretst lower");
scoretst1.scohi = 19;
scoretst1.scolo = 900;
if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst) == 0)
consoleDrawText(2, 14, "3 scores equals");
else if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == -1)
consoleDrawText(2, 14, "3 scoretst higher");
else if (scoreCmp(&scoretst, &scoretst1) == 1)
consoleDrawText(2, 14, "3 scoretst lower");
// Now Put in 16 color mode and disable Bgs except current
setMode(BG_MODE1, 0);
// Wait for nothing :P
while (1)
return 0;
void bgSetGfxPtr(u8 bgNumber, u16 address)
Definition of each background address.
void bgSetDisable(u8 bgNumber)
Disable a BG in the actual SNES mode.
void bgSetMapPtr(u8 bgNumber, u16 address, u8 mapSize)
Change Background Map address.
void consoleInitText(u8 palnum, u8 palsize, u8 *tilfont, u8 *palfont)
Initialize the Text System.
void consoleDrawText(u16 x, u16 y, char *fmt,...)
Output formatted string on a screen (tiles mode)
void consoleSetTextOffset(u16 offsetfont)
Change text Background map address for display (must be BG address)
void consoleSetTextGfxPtr(u16 vramfont)
Change text graphics address (4K aligned)
void consoleSetTextMapPtr(u16 offsetfont)
Change text Background map address for display (must be BG address)
void WaitForVBlank(void)
Waits for a VBlank interrupt.
void scoreClear(scoMemory *source)
clear a score memory
void scoreAdd(scoMemory *source, u16 value)
add a value to a score memory
u8 scoreCmp(scoMemory *source, scoMemory *dest)
compare a score memory to another score memory
the master include file for snes applications.
void setBrightness(u8 level)
sets the screens brightness.
void setMode(u8 mode, u8 size)
Set the SNES hardware to operate in new display mode.