PVSnesLib  4.4.0
Documentation to code in C or ASM for the Nintendo SNES
No Matches
Mode 7 / Mode 3: perspective and sky demo using HDMA
-- mills32
-- code refactors by alekmaul
Ground image is a 1024x1024 image used as a fake ground in mode 7.
Once loaded in this mode, the palette from ground image will fill 256 colours.
Sky image will use only 16 colours from the ground image palette, so be sure the
sky and ground images are using the same palette (Look at the sky and ground
palettes using a software like gimp).
Some parts based on Kannagi works : https://github.com/Kannagi/SNES-Mode7
Code to generate the PerspectiveX & PerspectiveY tables :
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int scale = 1;
float zoom = 1;
FILE *fout;
fout = fopen("Perspective.txt", "w");
zoom = 1;
fprintf(fout,"////////\n////////\n X\n");
for (int i = 0; i != 128; i++){
fprintf(fout,"%i, ", scale&255);
fprintf(fout,"%i,\n", scale/256);
scale = (int) (512 / zoom);
zoom = 1;
fprintf(fout,"////////\n////////\n Y\n");
for (int i = 0; i != 128; i++){
fprintf(fout,"%i, ", scale&255);
fprintf(fout,"%i,\n", scale/256);
scale = (int) (4096 / zoom);
return 0;
#include <snes.h>
extern char patterns, patterns_end, patterns2, patterns2_end;
extern char palette, palette2, palette_end, palette2_end;
extern char map, map_end, map2, map2_end;
#define SKYLINEY 96 // Number of lines for the sky
// Mode Array: This will change mode while rendering using HDMA. Format: Scanline,Mode
const u8 ModeTable[5] =
SKYLINEY, BG_MODE3, // for 80 scanlines do: Mode = 3
1, BG_MODE7, // for 1 scanline do: Mode = 7
0x00 // End transfer
// BG Array: This will ensure there is no garbage on screen. Format: Scanline,BG
const u8 BGTable[5] =
SKYLINEY, 0x12, // for 80 scanlines do: 00010010 (Objects + BG 1)
1, 0x11, // for 1 scanline do: 00010001 (Objects + BG 0)
0x00 // End transfer
const u8 PerspectiveX[264] =
{ //
SKYLINEY, 256 & 255, 256 >> 8, // for 80 scanlines do: Scale = 1
0xFF, // for 127 scanlines do: (continue bit activated)
1, 0,
0, 2,
243, 1,
231, 1,
220, 1,
209, 1,
199, 1,
189, 1,
179, 1,
170, 1,
161, 1,
153, 1,
145, 1,
137, 1,
130, 1,
123, 1,
116, 1,
109, 1,
103, 1,
97, 1,
91, 1,
85, 1,
79, 1,
74, 1,
69, 1,
64, 1,
59, 1,
54, 1,
49, 1,
45, 1,
40, 1,
36, 1,
32, 1,
28, 1,
24, 1,
20, 1,
17, 1,
13, 1,
9, 1,
6, 1,
3, 1,
0, 1,
252, 0,
249, 0,
246, 0,
243, 0,
240, 0,
238, 0,
235, 0,
232, 0,
230, 0,
227, 0,
225, 0,
222, 0,
220, 0,
217, 0,
215, 0,
213, 0,
211, 0,
208, 0,
206, 0,
204, 0,
202, 0,
200, 0,
198, 0,
196, 0,
195, 0,
193, 0,
191, 0,
189, 0,
187, 0,
186, 0,
184, 0,
182, 0,
181, 0,
179, 0,
178, 0,
176, 0,
175, 0,
173, 0,
172, 0,
170, 0,
169, 0,
167, 0,
166, 0,
165, 0,
163, 0,
162, 0,
161, 0,
159, 0,
158, 0,
157, 0,
156, 0,
155, 0,
153, 0,
152, 0,
151, 0,
150, 0,
149, 0,
148, 0,
147, 0,
146, 0,
145, 0,
144, 0,
143, 0,
142, 0,
141, 0,
140, 0,
139, 0,
138, 0,
137, 0,
136, 0,
135, 0,
134, 0,
133, 0,
132, 0,
132, 0,
131, 0,
130, 0,
129, 0,
128, 0,
127, 0,
127, 0,
126, 0,
125, 0,
124, 0,
124, 0,
123, 0};
// Format: Scanline,ScaleY,ScaleY
const u8 PerspectiveY[264] =
{ //
SKYLINEY, 256 & 255, 256 >> 8, // for 80 scanlines do: Scale = 1
0xFF, // for 127 scanlines do: (continue bit activated)
122, 0,
0, 16,
60, 15,
139, 14,
233, 13,
85, 13,
204, 12,
78, 12,
218, 11,
109, 11,
8, 11,
170, 10,
82, 10,
0, 10,
178, 9,
105, 9,
36, 9,
227, 8,
166, 8,
107, 8,
52, 8,
0, 8,
206, 7,
158, 7,
113, 7,
69, 7,
28, 7,
244, 6,
206, 6,
170, 6,
135, 6,
102, 6,
70, 6,
39, 6,
9, 6,
237, 5,
209, 5,
182, 5,
157, 5,
132, 5,
108, 5,
85, 5,
62, 5,
41, 5,
20, 5,
0, 5,
236, 4,
217, 4,
198, 4,
180, 4,
163, 4,
146, 4,
129, 4,
113, 4,
98, 4,
83, 4,
68, 4,
53, 4,
39, 4,
26, 4,
12, 4,
0, 4,
243, 3,
231, 3,
218, 3,
207, 3,
195, 3,
184, 3,
173, 3,
162, 3,
152, 3,
142, 3,
132, 3,
122, 3,
112, 3,
103, 3,
94, 3,
85, 3,
76, 3,
67, 3,
59, 3,
51, 3,
43, 3,
35, 3,
27, 3,
19, 3,
12, 3,
4, 3,
253, 2,
246, 2,
239, 2,
232, 2,
226, 2,
219, 2,
212, 2,
206, 2,
200, 2,
194, 2,
188, 2,
182, 2,
176, 2,
170, 2,
165, 2,
159, 2,
154, 2,
148, 2,
143, 2,
138, 2,
133, 2,
127, 2,
123, 2,
118, 2,
113, 2,
108, 2,
103, 2,
99, 2,
94, 2,
90, 2,
85, 2,
81, 2,
77, 2,
73, 2,
68, 2,
64, 2,
60, 2,
56, 2,
52, 2,
49, 2};
u16 pad0; // current pad
u16 sz; // zoom
u16 sx, sy; // current coordinates
dmaMemory data_to_transfertMode; // for table HDMA access
dmaMemory data_to_transfertBG;
dmaMemory data_to_transfertX;
dmaMemory data_to_transfertY;
// A function to change registers every scanline using HDMA, and scroll the mode 7 layer.
void setMode7_HdmaPerspective(void)
// Scroll BG1 (in mode7 mode)
REG_M7HOFS = (sx & 255);
REG_M7HOFS = sx >> 8;
REG_M7VOFS = (sy & 255);
REG_M7VOFS = sy >> 8;
// Scroll BG2 (only the x )
REG_BG2HOFS = (sx & 255);
REG_BG2HOFS = sx >> 8;
// Transformation origin
REG_M7X = (sx + 128) & 255;
REG_M7X = (sx + 128) >> 8;
REG_M7Y = (sy + 112) & 255;
REG_M7Y = (sy + 112) >> 8;
// Disable HDMA for all channels
// Change mode while drawing to simulate the sky
REG_DMAP1 = 0x00; // Write 1 bytes to 1 register (write once)
REG_BBAD1 = 0x05; // Register to write = 2105 (Mode)
REG_A1T1LH = data_to_transfertMode.mem.c.addr; // DMA channel 1 source address
REG_A1B1 = data_to_transfertMode.mem.c.bank; // DMA channel 1 source address bank
REG_DMAP2 = 0x00; // Write 1 bytes to 1 register (write once)
REG_BBAD2 = 0x2C; // Register to write = 212C (BG)
REG_A1T2LH = data_to_transfertBG.mem.c.addr; // DMA channel 2 source address
REG_A1B2 = data_to_transfertBG.mem.c.bank; // DMA channel 2 source address bank
// Fake perspective by scaling the mode7 background every scanline
REG_DMAP3 = 0x02; // Write 2 bytes to 1 register (write twice)
REG_BBAD3 = 0x1B; // Register to write = 211B (Scale X)
REG_A1T3LH = data_to_transfertX.mem.c.addr; // DMA channel 3 source address
REG_A1B3 = data_to_transfertX.mem.c.bank; // DMA channel 3 source address bank
REG_DMAP4 = 0x02; // Write 2 bytes to 1 register (write twice)
REG_BBAD4 = 0x1E; // Register to write = 211E (Scale Y)
REG_A1T4LH = data_to_transfertY.mem.c.addr; // DMA channel 4 source address
REG_A1B4 = data_to_transfertY.mem.c.bank; // DMA channel 4 source address bank
REG_HDMAEN = 0x1E; // 00011110; Enable DMA channels 1, 2, 3 and 4
int main(void)
// copy a mode 7 map and tiles (1024x1024 - VRAM 0000), to fake a ground
bgInitMapTileSet7(&patterns, &map, &palette, (&patterns_end - &patterns), 0x0000);
// copy a mode 3 map and tiles (256x256), to fake a sky
bgInitMapSet(1, &map2, (&map2_end - &map2), SC_64x32, 0x4000);
bgInitTileSet(1, &patterns2, &palette, 0, (&patterns2_end - &patterns2), (&palette2_end - &palette2), BG_16COLORS, 0x5000);
// Now Put mode7 without anything else hdma will change BG mode & display
// Display screen
// Init variables
sz = 0;
sx = 0;
sy = 0;
// Get tables
data_to_transfertMode.mem.p = (u8 *)&ModeTable;
data_to_transfertBG.mem.p = (u8 *)&BGTable;
data_to_transfertX.mem.p = (u8 *)&PerspectiveX;
data_to_transfertY.mem.p = (u8 *)PerspectiveY;
// Wait for nothing :P
while (1)
// Get current #0 pad
pad0 = padsCurrent(0);
// Read pad
if (pad0 & KEY_LEFT)
if (pad0 & KEY_RIGHT)
if (pad0 & KEY_UP)
if (pad0 & KEY_DOWN)
if (pad0 & KEY_R)
if (pad0 & KEY_L)
// HDMA change mode and perspective
return 0;
#define REG_BG2HOFS
BG2 Horizontal Scroll (X) (W)
Definition background.h:178
void bgInitMapSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *mapSource, u16 mapSize, u8 sizeMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Map Set and loads it into SNES VRAM.
void bgInitTileSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *tileSource, u8 *tilePalette, u8 paletteEntry, u16 tileSize, u16 paletteSize, u16 colorMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Tile Set and Loads the Tile GFX into VRAM.
void bgInitMapTileSet7(u8 *tileSource, u8 *mapSource, u8 *tilePalette, u16 tileSize, u16 address)
Initializes a Tile & Map Set and Loads the Tile & Map GFX into VRAM for Mode 7.
#define REG_HDMAEN
Select H-Blank DMA (H-DMA) Channel(s) (W) 7-0 H-DMA Channel 7-0 Enable (0=Disable,...
Definition dma.h:112
#define padsCurrent(value)
Return current value of selected pad.
Definition input.h:198
pad UP button.
Definition input.h:58
pad LEFT button.
Definition input.h:56
pad RIGHT button.
Definition input.h:55
Right shoulder button.
Definition input.h:59
pad DOWN button.
Definition input.h:57
Left shoulder button.
Definition input.h:60
void WaitForVBlank(void)
Waits for a VBlank interrupt.
the master include file for snes applications.
#define REG_M7HOFS
BG1 Horizontal Scroll (X) (W)
Definition video.h:264
#define REG_M7X
Rotation/Scaling Center Coordinate X (W)
Definition video.h:266
#define REG_M7VOFS
BG1 Vertical Scroll (Y) (W)
Definition video.h:265
#define REG_M7Y
Rotation/Scaling Center Coordinate Y (W)
Definition video.h:267
void setScreenOn(void)
Put screen On.
void setMode7(u8 mode)
Put screen in mode 7 with generic init.