PVSnesLib  4.4.0
Documentation to code in C or ASM for the Nintendo SNES
No Matches
sound.h File Reference

snes sound support. More...

#include <snes/snestypes.h>
#include <snes/interrupt.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  brrsamples
 brr sample sound header(8 bytes) More...


#define REG_APU00   (*(vuint8 *)0x2140)
 Main CPU to Sound CPU Communication Port 0 (R/W) 7-0 APU I/O Data (Write: Data to APU, Read: Data from APU) Caution: These registers should be written only in 8bit mode (there is a hardware glitch that can cause a 16bit write to [2140h..2141h] to destroy [2143h], this might happen only in some situations, like when the cartridge contains too many ROM chips which apply too much load on the bus).


void spcAllocateSoundRegion (u8 size)
 Set the size of the sound region.
void spcBoot (void)
 boots the spc700 with sm-spc. call once at startup disable time consuing interrupts during this function
void spcEffect (u16 pitch, u16 sfxIndex, u8 volpan)
 Play sound effect (load with spcLoadEffect)
void spcFadeModuleVolume (u16 vol, u16 fadespeed)
 fade the module volume towards the target
void spcFlush (void)
 Flush message queue (force sync)
void spcLoad (u16 musIndex)
 load module into sm-spc. this function may take some time to execute
void spcLoadEffect (u16 sfxIndex)
 load sound effect into sm-spc. this function may take some time to execute
void spcPauseMusic (void)
 pause playing the current module and save the music position.
void spcPlay (u8 startPos)
 play module. note: this simply queues a message, use spcFlush if you want to wait until the message is processed
void spcPlaySound (u8 sndIndex)
 Play sound from memory (using default arguments)
void spcPlaySoundV (u8 sndIndex, u16 volume)
 Play sound from memory (using default arguments)
void spcProcess (void)
 Process messages This function will try to give messages to the spc until a few scanlines pass.
void spcResumeMusic (void)
 Resume playing of current module at music position.
void spcSetBank (u8 *bank)
 set soundbank origin. soundbank must have dedicated bank(s)
void spcSetModuleVolume (u8 vol)
 set the module playback volume
void spcSetSoundDataEntry (u8 vol, u8 panning, u8 pitch, u16 length, u8 *sampleaddr, brrsamples *ptr)
 set the values of a sound entry
void spcSetSoundEntry (u8 vol, u8 panning, u8 pitch, u16 length, u8 *sampleaddr, brrsamples *ptr)
 set the values and address of the SOUND TABLE for a sound entry
void spcSetSoundTable (u16 sndTableAddr, u8 sndTableBank)
 set the address of the SOUND TABLE
void spcStop (void)
 stop playing the current module.

Detailed Description

snes sound support.

Really great thanks to shiru for sound engine and tools used in his Christmas Craze homebrew http://shiru.untergrund.net/

Also great thanks for mukunda for snesmod sound engine http://snes.mukunda.com/

And special thanks to Kung Fu Furby for help debugging snesmod port with C interface

Macro Definition Documentation


#define REG_APU00   (*(vuint8 *)0x2140)

Main CPU to Sound CPU Communication Port 0 (R/W) 7-0 APU I/O Data (Write: Data to APU, Read: Data from APU) Caution: These registers should be written only in 8bit mode (there is a hardware glitch that can cause a 16bit write to [2140h..2141h] to destroy [2143h], this might happen only in some situations, like when the cartridge contains too many ROM chips which apply too much load on the bus).

Same thing for REG_APU01, REG_APU02 and REG_APU03 for addr 2141h..2143h REG_APU0001 and REG_APU0203 for 16 bits read/write access

Function Documentation

◆ spcAllocateSoundRegion()

spcAllocateSoundRegion ( u8  size)

Set the size of the sound region.

Use it only if you are playing effects with BRR files. If not, just allocate the value 0 by calling spcAllocateSoundRegion(0);

The value must be big enough to hold your longest/largest sound. This function will STOP module playback too.

sizesize of sound region (size*256 bytes)
audio/tada/Tada.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcEffect()

spcEffect ( u16  pitch,
u16  sfxIndex,
u8  volpan 

Play sound effect (load with spcLoadEffect)

pitchpitch (0-15, 8=32khz)
sfxIndexeffect index (0-15)
volpanvolume(0..15) AND panning(0..15) (volume*16+pan)
audio/effects/effects.c, and audio/effectsandmusic/effectsandmusic.c.

◆ spcFadeModuleVolume()

spcFadeModuleVolume ( u16  vol,
u16  fadespeed 

fade the module volume towards the target

volvolume (0..255)
fadespeedfade speed (volume(0..255) += y every 32ms)

◆ spcLoad()

spcLoad ( u16  musIndex)

load module into sm-spc. this function may take some time to execute

audio/effectsandmusic/effectsandmusic.c, audio/music/Music.c, audio/musicGreaterThan32k/musicGreaterThan32k.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcLoadEffect()

spcLoadEffect ( u16  sfxIndex)

load sound effect into sm-spc. this function may take some time to execute

audio/effects/effects.c, and audio/effectsandmusic/effectsandmusic.c.

◆ spcPlay()

spcPlay ( u8  startPos)

play module. note: this simply queues a message, use spcFlush if you want to wait until the message is processed

another note: there may be a significant startup time from after the message is processed to when the song starts playing... to sync the program with the song start use spcFlush and then wait until SPC_P of the status register is set.

startPosstarting position
audio/effectsandmusic/effectsandmusic.c, audio/music/Music.c, audio/musicGreaterThan32k/musicGreaterThan32k.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcPlaySound()

spcPlaySound ( u8  sndIndex)

Play sound from memory (using default arguments)

sndIndexindex in sound table. Be careful: the index 0 corresponds to the LAST sound loaded. The index 1 is the penultimate sound loaded and so on...
audio/tada/Tada.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcPlaySoundV()

spcPlaySoundV ( u8  sndIndex,
u16  volume 

Play sound from memory (using default arguments)

sndIndexindex in sound table. Be careful: the index 0 corresponds to the LAST sound loaded. The index 1 is the penultimate sound loaded and so on...
volumevolume (0..15)

◆ spcProcess()

spcProcess ( void  )

Process messages This function will try to give messages to the spc until a few scanlines pass.

this function MUST be called every frame if you are using streamed sounds

audio/effects/effects.c, audio/effectsandmusic/effectsandmusic.c, audio/music/Music.c, audio/musicGreaterThan32k/musicGreaterThan32k.c, audio/tada/Tada.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcResumeMusic()

spcResumeMusic ( void  )

Resume playing of current module at music position.

spcPauseMusic has to be call before to restore correct position.

◆ spcSetBank()

spcSetBank ( u8 *  bank)

set soundbank origin. soundbank must have dedicated bank(s)

bankbank address
audio/effects/effects.c, audio/effectsandmusic/effectsandmusic.c, audio/music/Music.c, audio/musicGreaterThan32k/musicGreaterThan32k.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcSetModuleVolume()

spcSetModuleVolume ( u8  vol)

set the module playback volume

volvolume (0..255)

◆ spcSetSoundDataEntry()

spcSetSoundDataEntry ( u8  vol,
u8  panning,
u8  pitch,
u16  length,
u8 *  sampleaddr,
brrsamples ptr 

set the values of a sound entry

set the address of the SOUND TABLE for a sound entry

volvolume (0..15)
panningpanning (0..15)
pitchPITCH (1..6) (hz = PITCH * 2000)
lengthlength of brr sample
sampleaddraddress of brr sample
ptraddress of variable where sounds values will be stored

◆ spcSetSoundEntry()

spcSetSoundEntry ( u8  vol,
u8  panning,
u8  pitch,
u16  length,
u8 *  sampleaddr,
brrsamples ptr 

set the values and address of the SOUND TABLE for a sound entry

volvolume (0..15)
panningpanning (0..15)
pitchPITCH (1..6) (hz = PITCH * 2000)
lengthlength of brr sample
sampleaddraddress of brr sample
ptraddress of variable where sounds values will be stored
audio/tada/Tada.c, and games/likemario/LikeMario.c.

◆ spcSetSoundTable()

spcSetSoundTable ( u16  sndTableAddr,
u8  sndTableBank 

set the address of the SOUND TABLE

sndTableAddraddress of sound table
sndTableBankbank of sound table