PVSnesLib  4.4.0
Documentation to code in C or ASM for the Nintendo SNES
No Matches
super scope demo
-- alekmaul
demo game made by DigiDwrf
#include <snes.h>
#include "superscope.h"
#include "sin_cos.h"
extern char tilfont, palfont;
extern unsigned char sprites_map, sprites_map_end, sprites_palette; // Sprites
extern unsigned char aim_target_tileset, aim_target_tileset_end, aim_target_map, aim_target_palette; // BG
void hideSprites()
u8 i;
for (i = 0; i < 128; i++)
oamSetVisible((i << 2), OBJ_HIDE); // Hide sprites
void resetGame()
// Let's reset everything
consoleDrawText(12, 8, " ");
consoleDrawText(11, 10, " ");
consoleDrawText(3, 14, " ");
consoleDrawText(3, 15, " ");
targets_shot = 0;
enable_fire = false;
bullet_id = 0;
shot_bullets = 0;
u8 i;
for (i = 0; i < max_bullets; i++)
difuse_xn[i] = 0;
difuse_yn[i] = 0;
difuse_x[i] = 0;
difuse_y[i] = 0;
bullet_frame[i] = 0;
bullet_draw[i] = 0;
bullet_frame_n[i] = 0;
bullet_gravity[i] = 0;
bullet_diff[i] = 0;
for (target_id = 0; target_id < 8; target_id++)
target_kill[target_id] = false;
target_kill_count[target_id] = 0;
target_gravity[target_id] = 0;
// Main program
int main(void)
// Initialize text console with our font
consoleInitText(1, 16 * 2, &tilfont, &palfont);
// Init background
bgInitTileSet(0, &aim_target_tileset, &aim_target_palette, 0, (&aim_target_tileset_end - &aim_target_tileset), 16 * 2, BG_16COLORS, 0x3000);
bgSetGfxPtr(1, 0x3800);
bgSetMapPtr(1, 0x2000, SC_32x32);
// Init sprites
oamInitGfxSet(&sprites_map, (&sprites_map_end - &sprites_map), &sprites_palette, 48 * 2, 0, 0x0000, OBJ_SIZE16_L32);
u8 i;
for (i = 0; i < max_targets; i++)
oamSet(16 + (i << 2), 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0x84, 1); // Target sprites
oamSetEx(16 + (i << 2), OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_HIDE);
// Set mode 1 and disable BG3
setMode(BG_MODE1, 0);
// Set vertical scrolling to -1, default BG scrolling is one horizontal line above screen. We're doing this to place our center of screen perfectly.
bgSetScroll(0, 0, -1);
bgSetScroll(1, 0, -1);
bgInitMapSet(0, &aim_target_map, 0x700, SC_32x32, 0x2800);
// Draw a wonderful text :P
consoleDrawText(8, 1, "SUPERSCOPE Test");
if (pause_adjust)
consoleDrawText(1, 3, "Press PAUSE to return to game");
detectSuperScope(); // Let's check if SuperScope is connected on boot
if (snes_sscope == false)
consoleDrawText(1, 26, "Connect SuperScope into Port 2");
consoleDrawText(6, 26, "SuperScope connected!");
// Sprites setup
oamSet(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0x80, 2); // Spot sprite, used for aim adjustment
while (snes_sscope == false) // no SuperScope? Let's plug one
consoleDrawText(1, 26, " SuperScope connected! ");
if (pause_adjust == false)
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
consoleDrawText(9, 24, " ");
consoleDrawText(3, 25, " Shoot center of screen ");
consoleDrawText(3, 26, " to adjust aim ");
while (1)
if (snes_sscope == false)
consoleDrawText(5, 25, " ");
consoleDrawText(1, 26, "Connect SuperScope into Port 2");
sscope_disconnected = true;
if (sscope_disconnected)
consoleDrawText(1, 26, " SuperScope connected! ");
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
sscope_disconnected = false;
if ((scope_down & SSC_FIRE) == false) // Don't go forward until fire is off at start
enable_fire = true;
if (pause_adjust)
if (scope_down & SSC_PAUSE) // we read pause input from scope to continue game (pause) or adjust aim again (boot)
oamSet(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Restore bullet sprite
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide sprite
pause_adjust = false;
if (enable_fire)
if (scope_down & SSC_FIRE) // we read fire input from scope to begin aim adjust, just after VBlank
enable_fire = false;
// Start aim adjust process: it stores scope's raw values relative to the center of screen, so shot matches superscope's physical aim
// We also move our scope's center to the center of screen
if (pause_adjust)
consoleDrawText(1, 3, " ");
consoleDrawText(5, 25, " Good. ");
consoleDrawText(8, 26, " ");
oamSetXY(0, 0x78, 0x68); // Draw spot at center, just for reference, most games do this to tell the player that SuperScope was shot
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide spot
consoleDrawText(9, 25, "Test your aim");
while (1)
if (snes_sscope == false)
consoleDrawText(5, 25, " ");
consoleDrawText(1, 26, "Connect SuperScope into Port 2");
sscope_disconnected = true;
if (sscope_disconnected)
consoleDrawText(1, 26, " SuperScope connected! ");
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
sscope_disconnected = false;
if ((scope_down & SSC_FIRE) == false) // Don't go forward until fire is off at start
enable_fire = true;
if (enable_fire)
if (scope_down & SSC_FIRE) // we read fire input from scope to see if our aim is adjusted
enable_fire = false;
// To finish aim adjust we store coords relative to the center of screen
oamSetXY(0, scope_shoth - 0x08, scope_shotv - 0x08); // Draw spot aligned with our aim if the aim was on the center on first shot, this means our aim is adjusted.
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
consoleDrawText(9, 24, "Are you ready?");
if (pause_adjust)
consoleDrawText(5, 25, "Press PAUSE to return");
consoleDrawText(3, 26, "Press CURSOR to adjust aim");
consoleDrawText(4, 25, "Press PAUSE to adjust aim");
consoleDrawText(6, 26, "Press CURSOR to play");
while (1)
if (snes_sscope == false)
consoleDrawText(2, 24, " ");
consoleDrawText(4, 25, " ");
consoleDrawText(1, 26, "Connect SuperScope into Port 2");
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide spot
sscope_disconnected = true;
if ((scope_down & SSC_CURSOR) == false) // Don't go ahead until cursor is off at start
enable_cursor = true;
if (sscope_disconnected)
consoleDrawText(1, 26, " SuperScope connected! ");
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
sscope_disconnected = false;
if (scope_down & SSC_PAUSE) // we read pause input from scope to continue game (pause) or adjust aim again (boot)
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide spot
if (pause_adjust)
oamSet(0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Restore bullet sprite
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide sprite
pause_adjust = false;
if (enable_cursor)
if (scope_down & SSC_CURSOR) // we read cursor input from scope to adjust aim again (pause) or begin game (boot)
enable_cursor = false;
if (pause_adjust)
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide spot
consoleDrawText(1, 3, "Press PAUSE to return to game");
oamSetVisible(0, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide spot
/* Before we enter main game, let's setup bullet sprites, we need them to be bigger at first, make them dissapear into the horizon and draw new bullets over old ones,
so we're going to set multiple sprites and make them appear one after another, like a "set of cards". No coordinates are needed at this time. */
while (bullet_frame[0] < 8)
oamSet(bullet_draw[0] << 2, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, bullet_frames[bullet_frame[0]], 0);
oamSetVisible(bullet_draw[0] << 2, OBJ_HIDE); // Hide sprite
if (bullet_draw[0] == 4) // We skip some sprite IDs, so targets are in between bullets, for a more realistic behavior
bullet_draw[0] = 68;
if (bullet_frame_n[0] > ((bullet_frame[0] - 4) << 3)) // This will just repeat multiple bullet sprites into OAM, so they seem to go far away
bullet_frame_n[0] = 0;
// We also have to setup Fire rate
scope_holddelay = 60; // We wait a secont until we want to consider that the button has been held
scope_repdelay = slow_fire_rate; // Fire rate
// Initial positions of targets
for (target_id = 0; target_id < 8; target_id++)
target_x_inc[target_id] = target_id << 6;
target_y_inc[target_id] = target_id << 6;
target_oam_id[target_id] = 16 + target_id << 2;
bool print_once = true; // We'll use this later to print text just once inside our loop
u8 text_timer = 0;
if (text_timer < 120)
consoleDrawText(13, 13, "SHOOT");
consoleDrawText(10, 14, "THE TARGETS!");
consoleDrawText(8, 1, " ");
consoleDrawText(1, 3, " ");
consoleDrawText(8, 4, " ");
consoleDrawText(9, 24, " ");
consoleDrawText(4, 25, " ");
consoleDrawText(3, 26, " ");
setPaletteColor(0, 0x7FFF); // Let's use a white BACK
setPaletteColor(17, 0x0000); // and black for texts
dmaFillVram(&aim_target_map, 0x2800, 0x700); // Wipe screen
oamInitGfxAttr(0x0000, OBJ_SIZE32_L64); // Set to bigger sprites
while (1)
switch (text_timer)
case 120: // Wait two seconds before we wipe text from screen
consoleDrawText(13, 13, " ");
consoleDrawText(10, 14, " ");
case 121:
// Do nothing
if (snes_sscope == false)
consoleDrawText(1, 13, "Connect SuperScope into Port 2");
consoleDrawText(3, 14, " ");
consoleDrawText(3, 15, " ");
sscope_disconnected = true;
if (sscope_disconnected)
consoleDrawText(1, 13, " SuperScope connected! ");
WaitNVBlank(60); // Hold on for one second
consoleDrawText(6, 13, " ");
sscope_disconnected = false;
if ((scope_down & SSC_FIRE) == false) // Don't shoot until fire is off at start
enable_fire = true;
if ((scope_down & SSC_PAUSE) == false) // Don't pause until pause is off at start
enable_pause = true;
if ((scope_down & SSC_CURSOR) == false) // Don't play again until cursor is off at start
enable_cursor = true;
if (enable_fire)
if (scope_held & SSC_FIRE) // We're using scope_held to swap from a normal fire rate to a slower firerate
if (cool_down < 2)
if ((scope_down & SSC_FIRE) == 0)
cool_down = 0;
if (((scope_held & SSC_FIRE) && (cool_down == 2)) || ((scope_down & SSC_FIRE) && (ready_to_fire == normal_fire_rate)))
if (bullet_id == 32)
bullet_id = 0;
if (scope_shoth < 0x110)
bullet_x[bullet_id] = scope_shoth - 0x10;
if (scope_shotv < 0xE0)
bullet_y[bullet_id] = scope_shotv - 0x10;
bullet_y[bullet_id] = 0xE0;
bullet_x[bullet_id] = 0x110;
bullet_y[bullet_id] = 0xE0;
bullet_frame[bullet_id] = 0;
bullet_draw[bullet_id] = 0;
// To make more of a natural shot, we add some random directions and gravity
bullet_gravity[bullet_id] = 0;
difuse_xn[bullet_id] = 0;
difuse_yn[bullet_id] = 0;
difuse_x[bullet_id] = (rand() & 0x0F) - 8;
difuse_y[bullet_id] = ((rand() & 0xF0) >> 4) - 8;
shot_bullets++; // incease shot bullets by one
ready_to_fire = 0;
if (cool_down < 2)
if (ready_to_fire < normal_fire_rate)
ready_to_fire++; // This will prevent lag if we shoot too fast
ready_to_fire = 0;
for (bullet_num = 0; bullet_num < shot_bullets; bullet_num++)
s8 id = bullet_id - bullet_num;
if (id < 0)
id += 32; // To avoid negative overflow on reset
if (bullet_frame[id] < 8)
if (bullet_draw[id])
oamSetVisible((bullet_draw[id] - bullet_diff[id]) << 2, OBJ_HIDE); // Remove used sprites
difuse_xn[id] += difuse_x[id];
difuse_yn[id] += difuse_y[id] + (bullet_gravity[id] >> 2);
oamSetXY(bullet_draw[id] << 2, bullet_x[id] + (difuse_xn[id] >> 6), bullet_y[id] + (difuse_yn[id] >> 6)); // Draw new bullets sprites on screen
if (bullet_draw[id] == 4)
bullet_draw[id] = 68; // We skip some sprite IDs, so targets are in between bullets, for a more realistic behavior
bullet_diff[id] = 65;
bullet_diff[id] = 1;
if (bullet_frame_n[id] > ((bullet_frame[id] - 4) << 3))
bullet_frame_n[id] = 0;
else if (bullet_frame[id] == 8)
oamSetVisible((bullet_draw[id] - 1) << 2, OBJ_HIDE); // Remove last used sprite
shot_bullets--; // decrease shot bullets by one
bullet_frame[id]++; // just to be sure this part of code executes just once
if (targets_shot < 8)
// Pause routine
if (enable_pause)
consoleDrawText(13, 13, " ");
consoleDrawText(10, 14, " ");
setPalette(&aim_target_palette, 0, 2); // Restore blue BACK
setPaletteColor(17, 0x7FFF); // Restore white text
pause_adjust = true;
enable_fire = false;
enable_cursor = false;
// We are going to create a rotating carrousel made of 8 targets
for (target_id = 0; target_id < 8; target_id++)
if (target_kill[target_id] == false)
if (target_x_inc[target_id] > 511)
target_x_inc[target_id] = 0;
if (target_y_inc[target_id] > 511)
target_y_inc[target_id] = 0;
target_x[target_id] = ((cos_table(target_x_inc[target_id]) << 1) / 3) + 27;
target_y[target_id] = ((sin_table(target_y_inc[target_id]) << 1) / 3) + 11;
oamSetXY(target_oam_id[target_id], target_x[target_id], target_y[target_id]); // Target sprites
target_collision_x[target_id] = oamGetX(target_oam_id[target_id]) - oamGetX(12); // id 3 (* 4) is the fourth frame of bullet animation. We use this one to collide with target
target_collision_y[target_id] = oamGetY(target_oam_id[target_id]) - oamGetY(12); // id 3 (* 4) is the fourth frame of bullet animation. We use this one to collide with target
if ((target_collision_x[target_id] > -12) && (target_collision_x[target_id] < 12) && (target_collision_y[target_id] > -12) && (target_collision_y[target_id] < 12))
target_kill[target_id] = true;
// Kill target if it was "touched" by a bullet
if (target_kill[target_id])
switch (target_kill_count[target_id])
case 0:
oamSetGfxOffset(target_oam_id[target_id], 0x88);
target_x[target_id] -= 16; // Fix larger object offset
target_y[target_id] -= 16; // Fix larger object offset
oamSetXY(target_oam_id[target_id], target_x[target_id], target_y[target_id]);
oamSetEx(target_oam_id[target_id], OBJ_LARGE, OBJ_SHOW);
case 3:
oamSetGfxOffset(target_oam_id[target_id], 0x100);
case 6:
oamSetGfxOffset(target_oam_id[target_id], 0x108);
case 12:
oamSetGfxOffset(target_oam_id[target_id], 0x84); // Restore target sprite GFX
oamSetEx(target_oam_id[target_id], OBJ_SMALL, OBJ_HIDE); // Restore small size and hide sprite
enable_pause = false;
enable_cursor = false;
target_kill_count[target_id]++; // Get out of case
if (target_kill_count[target_id] < 12)
oamSetXY(target_oam_id[target_id], target_x[target_id], target_y[target_id] + (target_gravity[target_id] >> 2));
if (target_kill_count[target_id] & 0x02)
oamSetVisible(target_oam_id[target_id], OBJ_HIDE); // Blink
else // We have won!
if (print_once == true)
consoleDrawText(12, 8, "YOU WIN!");
consoleDrawText(11, 10, "Play again?");
print_once = false;
consoleDrawText(3, 14, "Press CURSOR to play again");
consoleDrawText(3, 15, "Press PAUSE to adjust aim");
if (enable_cursor)
if (enable_pause)
setPalette(&aim_target_palette, 0, 2); // Restore blue BACK
setPaletteColor(17, 0x7FFF); // Restore white text
return 0;
void bgSetGfxPtr(u8 bgNumber, u16 address)
Definition of each background address.
void bgSetDisable(u8 bgNumber)
Disable a BG in the actual SNES mode.
void bgSetMapPtr(u8 bgNumber, u16 address, u8 mapSize)
Change Background Map address.
void bgSetScroll(u8 bgNumber, u16 x, u16 y)
Sets the scroll hardware to the specified location.
void bgInitMapSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *mapSource, u16 mapSize, u8 sizeMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Map Set and loads it into SNES VRAM.
void bgInitTileSet(u8 bgNumber, u8 *tileSource, u8 *tilePalette, u8 paletteEntry, u16 tileSize, u16 paletteSize, u16 colorMode, u16 address)
Initializes a Tile Set and Loads the Tile GFX into VRAM.
u16 rand(void)
return a randomized number
void consoleInitText(u8 palnum, u8 palsize, u8 *tilfont, u8 *palfont)
Initialize the Text System.
void consoleDrawText(u16 x, u16 y, char *fmt,...)
Output formatted string on a screen (tiles mode)
void consoleSetTextOffset(u16 offsetfont)
Change text Background map address for display (must be BG address)
void consoleSetTextGfxPtr(u16 vramfont)
Change text graphics address (4K aligned)
void consoleSetTextMapPtr(u16 offsetfont)
Change text Background map address for display (must be BG address)
void dmaFillVram(u8 *source, u16 address, u16 size)
fill the source data to destination using channel 0 of DMA available channels in half words
u16 scope_shothraw
Horizontal shot position, not adjusted.
u16 scope_repdelay
Repeat rate.
u8 snes_sscope
1 if SuperScope is connected
u16 scope_centerh
0x0000 is the center of the screen, positive values go to bottom right.
u16 scope_centerv
0x0000 is the center of the screen, positive values go to bottom right.
u16 scope_shotv
Vertical shot position, adjusted for aim.
u16 scope_holddelay
Hold delay.
superscope FIRE button.
Definition input.h:71
superscope PAUSE button.
Definition input.h:73
superscope CURSOR button.
Definition input.h:72
u16 scope_shoth
Horizontal shot position, adjusted for aim.
u16 scope_down
flags that are currently true.
u16 scope_shotvraw
Vertical shot position, not adjusted.
void detectSuperScope(void)
Detects if SuperScope is connected on Port 1 (second controller port on console) and populate snes_ss...
u16 scope_held
flagsthat have been true for a certain length of time.
void WaitForVBlank(void)
Waits for a VBlank interrupt.
void WaitNVBlank(u16 ntime)
Wait for vblank interrupt ntime times
the master include file for snes applications.
signed char s8
8 bit volatile unsigned integer.
Definition snestypes.h:37
#define OBJ_SIZE16_L32
default OAM size 16x16 (SM) and 32x32 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:42
void oamSetVisible(u16 id, u8 hide)
Hide or show a sprite.
void oamSetEx(u16 id, u8 size, u8 hide)
Put the correct size and hide or show a sprite.
#define OBJ_SIZE32_L64
default OAM size 32x32 (SM) and 64x64 (LG) pix for OBJSEL register
Definition sprite.h:44
void oamInitGfxSet(u8 *tileSource, u16 tileSize, u8 *tilePalette, u16 paletteSize, u8 tilePaletteNumber, u16 address, u8 oamsize)
Initializes a sprites Gfx and Loads the GFX into VRAM.
void oamSetXY(u16 id, u16 xspr, u16 yspr)
sets an oam coordinate to the supplied values
void oamSetGfxOffset(u16 id, u16 gfxoffset)
sets an oam graphic offset to the supplied values
void oamSet(u16 id, u16 xspr, u16 yspr, u8 priority, u8 hflip, u8 vflip, u16 gfxoffset, u8 paletteoffset)
sets an oam entry to the supplied values
void oamInitGfxAttr(u16 address, u8 oamsize)
Initializes the default sprite size and address in VRAM.
#define oamGetX(id)
get the x oam coordinate to the supplied values
Definition sprite.h:221
#define oamGetY(id)
get the y oam coordinate to the supplied values
Definition sprite.h:226
#define setPaletteColor(paletteEntry, paletteColor)
Change a color palette in CGRAM.
Definition video.h:397
void setScreenOn(void)
Put screen On.
void setFadeEffect(u8 mode)
Do a fadein or fadeout effect.
#define setPalette(palette, paletteEntry, paletteSize)
Change a palette in CGRAM.
Definition video.h:390
void setMode(u8 mode, u8 size)
Set the SNES hardware to operate in new display mode.